There are many trains from Patna to Gaya. You can Book Patna to Gaya train in AC, Non-AC and other coaches. These are superfast and express train from gaya to patna which you can book online. Also, if you want to save money, then book a train ticket in second sitting or non ac sleeper coach. Here is a list of all the trains from patna to gaya with the daily schedule and other details.
Patna to Gaya Train Time Table
Train Name | Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Time(Hrs) |
Ipr Hte Spl | 08623 | 21:15 | 00:30 | 3:15 hrs |
Pnbe Sgrl Spl | 03350 | 20:00 | 22:35 | 2:35 hrs |
Patna Bhabua Intercity Spl | 03243 | 17:45 | 20:00 | 2:15 hrs |
Pnbe Dhn Festival Spl | 03330 | 23:30 | 01:25 | 1:55 hrs |
Pnbe Brka Spl | 03348 | 20:00 | 22:35 | 2:35 hrs |
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Best Patna to Gaya Train
Among all the trains as mentioned in the list, the best train from patna to gaya is Pnbe Dhn Festival Special train which takes just 1 hour and 55 minutes. And, it’s fare is 295 Rupees for sleeper and 1025 Rupees for Ac-1. So, this is the most suitable train if you are planning a journey.
Patna to Gaya Train Fare
The patna to gaya train fare starts from 100 to 1500 rupees. You can get AC-2 tier, AC-3 tier, non-AC, sleeper, second sitting reservation in this train for your trip. However, the train fare varies as per the requirement of tourists and time of ticket booking. So, it’s preferable to book train tickets in advance.
Patna to Gaya Train Running Status

You can check patna to gaya train running status by using multiple websites and android applications. One of the most useful android application is ixigo, which gives the real-time status of a train. It shows the platform of train with all other essential details. Also, you can check it on irctc official website.
Freequently Asked Questions for Patna to Gaya Trains
Q1. Which is the fastest train that runs between patna jn to gaya jn route?
Pbbe Festival Special takes just 1hour 55min to gaya from patna that is the fastest train of this route
Q2. Total how many trains run between Patna to gaya?
There are a total 5 trains from patna to gaya daily.
Q3. Which is the passanger train from patna to gaya?
The above listed are the passanger train of this route. However, it depends on the availabilty of seats.
Q4. How much time does it take to reach gaya from patna?
It takes just 2 to 3 hours to reach gaya from patna by train.
Other Information For Tourists
Being the capital of northeast state Bihar, Patna is the one of the oldest cities of India. Patna was founded in the time of the Magadh empire famous as pataliputra.
Gaya is situated near the falgu river. It is the holy city for hindu devottees. This is considered as the popular place for religious ceremonies, especially Pind Daan. Peoples come here to pray for the soul of their ancestors. Also, there are other things which attracts tourists. So if you are planning to visit Gaya from Patna we are here to share trains,popular hotels and some tourist spots over the gaya.
Hotels in Gaya
There are some amazing popular hotels to stay in gaya with your family. So, let’s see if any of these hotels is best fit for you.
Hotel Viraat Inn
This hotel is just a few minutes away from Gaya railway station. This hotel offers sanitized rooms and also has local food in the mess for tourists. And, if you book this hotel with us, then you can get additional discounts.
Hotel Kumar Kripa
This is the nearest hotel from Vishnupad Temple. It has all the essential facilities including a king size bed, air conditioner and TV. This hotel takes care about hygiene and maintains all covid rules. Pricing starts from 500 rupees to 3000 rupees which depends on the facilities of the room.
Shri Vishnu Guest House
The Beautifully designed Vishu guest house is the one of the popular guest houses in the Gaya region. With Air conditioner, TV, this 3 star hotel is suitable for budget tourists.
Oaks Bodhgaya
It lies in the middle of gaya. Oaks Bodhgaya is the another popular hotel which offers their customers a very good food package including local food. And, other north Indian dishes as well.
Hotel Jataka Inn
Jataka inn also a budget hotel in gaya which is very suitable for three travelers with one king size bed. This is near to the city. So, you can reach popular spots easily. You can book this hotel with us at exclusive discounts.
Popular temples in gaya
The Great Buddha Statue
The Great Buddha Statue is The famous religious place in gaya for tourists. The statue of Buddha in meditation form attracts tourists. Interestingly, this statue is 19.5 meter in height. So, it’s visible from almost all the buidings of this city.
Vishnupad Temple
This is another famous temple of bodh gaya. It is a lord vishnu temple which hindu devotees and travellers visites every day. Peoples comes here from the various places of the country. This ancient temple was reconstructed and innovated in the year of 1787 by the Rani Ahilya Bai .
The Mahabodhi Temple
Mahabodhi temple is recognized as one of the UNESCO world heritage sites of Bihar. This temple’s architecture will definitely bless your eyes. If you are planning to visit Gaya then make sure that you visit this ancient temple which is among the buddhist temples Gaya.
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