Book a Bangalore to Mysore train ticket online with exclusive discounts. There are multiple trains from Bangalore to Mysore. If you are planning to visit Mysore from Bangalore via train then you should check out the train schedule with all details related to the trains between these cities.
Bangalore to Mysore Trains
If you are planning to book Bangalore to Mysore train ticket then you need to know which train is preferable for you. However, there are some other routes as well. But, it’s the most affordable route to reach Mysore from Bangalore. There are many trains from Bangalore to Mysore on daily basis, and weekly basis.
Bangalore to Mysore Train Time Table With Details
Train Name | Train No. | Departure | Arrival | Time | Running Days |
UBL MYS EXP. | 06581 | 6:00 | 8:55 | 2hr55min | ALL DAYS |
MV MYS FESTIVAL EXP. | 06231 | 6:20 | 9:10 | 2hr50min | ALL DAYS |
KCVL MYS SPL | 06316 | 7:35 | 11:20 | 3hr45min | ALL DAYS |
MAS MYS SHATABDI EXP | 12007 | 11:00 | 13:00 | 2hr | EXCEPT WEDNESDAY |
BAGMATI EXPRESS | 12577 | 20:50 | 23:40 | 2hr50min | ONLY THURSDAY |
Book Bangalore to Mysore Train Ticket Online
Why Should You Book Train Tickets with Goniks Travel

Goniks Travel is India’s most popular trustworthy travel booking agency. We offer flight bookings, hotel reservations train tickets, and bus ticket booking online to make your trips easy. By booking with us, you can get discounts on your travel bookings, especially train ticket bookings. With discounts and additional benefits, we also provide 24*7 customer support. So, provide your details above and get confirm train ticket in a few seconds.
FAQ’s for Bangalore to Mysore Train
Q1. How many trains are running from Bangalore to Mysore?
There are around 54 train between Bangalore and Mysore.
Q2. How much time does it take from Bangalore to Mysore?
MAS-MYS Shatabdi express takes a minimum of 2 hours to reach Mysore from Bangalore. However, it depends on the train on which you are traveling.
Q3. Is there any covid special train from bangalore to mysore route?
Yes. There are 24 trains available from Mysore to Bangalore route.
Q4. Which is the first train running between Bangalore to Mysore route?
RU MYS WKLY EXP(11066) is the first train which departs from Bangalore at 12.35 AM and it takes 2hours 15mins to reach Mysore.
Q5. Which is the last train between Bangalore and Mysore?
MYSORE PASS (56264) is the last train from Bangalore to Mysore. It departs from Bangalore at 23:55 PM and arrives in Mysore at 2:50.
Other Information Related to Bangalore to Mysore Train Journey
Bangaluru is the capital of southern city Karnataka. It is a tech city of India that is also popular as the silicon valley of India. However, there are many other things that make Bangalore a beautiful place to explore.

Also, read- Places to Visit in Bangalore
Being the second-largest city of the southern state of Karnataka, Mysore is quite a popular city among visitors. Mysore or Mysuru was the capital of the Mysore dynasty. Nowadays, it is the second cleanest city in India and a production hub of different items like sandalwood, silk, and spices. So, it’s an interesting place to explore.
Hotels in Mysore
We are providing you some popular hotels in mysore if you are going to visit Bangalore to Mysore via train.
Hotel Pearl Inn
Hotel Pearl INN is one of the popular hotel cum guest houses in Mysore city. It lies in the heart of the Mysore that is near to the railway station. You can book this hotel in Mysore which has double and triple size bedrooms. And, both AC and NON AC rooms are available for tourists.
Perks- Free wifi, 24*7 Roomservice, Parking space
Country Inn & Suites by Radisson, Mysore-
Being a 4-star hotel in Mysore, Country INN and Suites is the best hotel in Mysore. The most popular destinations of Mysore including Mysore palace and Mysore zoo are a few minutes away from this hotel. Also, Country INN lies near to Mysore railway junction and bus stop.
With Elegant design and beautiful halls, this hotel of mysore is also preferable for business meetings. And, if you are planning a luxury trip, then this is the best place to stay during your journey.
Perks- It has free breakfast, free wifi, fitness club and spa, kids activities, conference and many more.
Grand Mercure Mysore-
Another hotel in Mysore that lies just 5 minutes away from Mysore Railway junction. Grand Mercure is a nice place to stay with family in Mysore. The popular attractions of the city are a few minutes away from this hotel.
There is also a family restaurant in Grand Mercure Hotel. It is the most famous hotel near Mysore with facilities of free wifi, AC rooms, king-sized bed and many more.
Popular Tourist Places in Mysore
Mysore Palace
Mysore Palace is just 8 minutes away from the Mysore railway junction. So, people who are travelling via train can easily visit this magnificent palace. It is a historical and royal palace of Karnataka. In the time of the Mysore dynasty, Mysore was the capital of that kingdom. So, it also has an interesting history that may be exciting if you love historical places.
The indo-Saracenic architecture of Mysore palace with blends of Hindu, Rajput, Mughal, and gothic style will definitely catch your eyes.
Sri Chamarajendra Zoological Gardens
It is commonly known as Mysore Zoo that is home to many wildlife animals and birds. Sri Chama Rajendra zoological garden is one of the oldest zoological parks in India. So, it also considered a popular attraction for many travelers.
Also, Follow us on social media to get updates about interesting tourist places, and offers on your travel bookings online. You can book train tickets, flights, hotels, and cabs with us at the best rates. So, let’s connect with us.
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